strobicious (M; TT)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 1:06:51 GMT
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The sewer of Lilycove seemed far more well managed than most other cities, he presumed.

It's not like he knew, knew what the sewer systems were like in the rest of Hoenn. Except Slateport and Fortree, and Pacifidlog, without only the most former being kind of "what you'd expect" of a sewer system. Blackwater and a 'fair share' of debris.

Somewhere up ahead was his league assigned partner for this whole thing. It was good the organization had enough sense to assign partners so that overconfident Rangers like himself didn't get in over their heads. At least, not without a lot of effort.

He wasn't sure how long this mission would take, he'd thought about bringing a snack or two but from the smell of the place any food he ate would be swallowed down with rotten flesh or poop particles or whatever else was permeating through the air. Hiding in his shirt, like almost always was a Ditto;

Gan (), the face of his pokémon team. Leading by walking out in front and providing a subtle but natural lighting was Jakka.

() The charmander was a Budding battle enthusiast and the direct offspring of Sénon's original Charmander starter; rest in peace.

"Easy boys; no flinching, no fidgeting and no fighting until I give the command." He rounded the bend seeing another male in the shadows.

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes:

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 2:24:40 GMT
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It seemed that with his aimless running around Tadashi was making a bit of a name for himself. He’d been named a Ranger, and was considered a part of some help group that could assist with things around the region… He wasn’t really sure how he felt about it, it did sound pretty cool though, and was definitely more than he had been doing the last few years, but at this particular moment in time, he wasn’t too sure that he was cut out for this being a ranger stuff… Considering all of the stuff that he was surrounded by in being down in the sewer system of Lilycove City. If ever there was a time that he wasn’t keen on his other heightened senses, it was definitely now as he was trying to keep a lid on his stomach with the smell of the passageways…
Apparently there were some poison type Pokemon that might be blocking some parts of the sewers, and the city needed a bit of help to keep things moving, so maybe it would be a quick job? Nanghi was poised and perfect for taking care of some poison types, and by the sounds of it from this ranger organization he had a partner that was coming to help out too. And it wasn’t moments later that Tadashi did hear something coming up the same corridor as him, a voice carrying through the passageway and giving him a clear shape of the figure that was approaching.
”Uhm, hi? You’re the other ranger, right,” Tadashi spoke, his voice quiet and uneasy, still trying to figure out a way to overcome the incredibly potent smell.




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-Out Of Ball: Cassio (Jolteon), Ostinato (Oshawott), and Nanghi (Copperajah)
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 2:45:18 GMT
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A familiar face in the darkness.

The red-maned ranger cracked a big grin when he saw the younger man before him. They had met before on one of his favorite hunting spots for new pokemon; the fiery path of mt. chimney. Quilava, Tepig, Gulpin and a couple more; it was a good day.

"Hey!" He was enthused but he kept his voice low, no need to alert anything when he planned on sneaking up on everything. "Ootori? Right?" He met so many people in his travels of capturing and cataloguing pokémon it was harder to remember the ones he didn't battle but he remembered this one.

If he was here, assigned to pair up with himself, that only meant one thing. "So you're a Ranger now? That's impressive, you move fast, congratulations." There was something interesting about the way non-Hoennians, outsiders like himself, a Kantonian moved to the region and climbed the ranks so fast.

Maybe people native to Hoenn were just slower going.

"Let's get started shall we?"

A crude map would lead them from the entryways down into a labyrinth of twists and turns and confusing pathways. Luckily it all led to one place; and that was where they were going.

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes: in my next post we'll arrive at the destination and meet the 'big bad'

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 3:14:25 GMT
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Standing there with Cassio beside him, Ostinato hunched and grumpy on Nahnghi’s back, and the Copperajah looming behind him, Tadashi awaited the approach of his partner in this “mission”. The figure approached, and while Tadashi took a moment to place it, he did recognize the voice that was now regarding him, someone he had met during a haphazard adventure he had taken to a more rural part of the Hoenn Region. Tadashi had a talent of never forgetting a voice, much like those who could say they never forget a face, and he turned fully to face the figure of Senon.
”Yeah, that’s right,” Tadashi smiled, pleased to be tasked with someone he was familiar with in what was still a relatively new region to him. Senon commented on his achievement of being a ranger now, congratulating him, and Tadashi had a feeling that it wasn’t necessarily easy to achieve this “ranger” status, though he wasn’t quite sure he had done as much to earn the title…
”I guess so? I kinda fell into it, but it’s a thing now, thanks,” he accepted, pleased to know that he was at least doing things in a sort of right way.
”Sure, yeah, let’s get started, the sooner the better… I never really considered how much trouble heightened smell would be before this…,” Tadashi agreed a bit hastily, ready to spend as little time in the sewers as possible. Near as he could tell, they were “clean”, if one could really consider a sewer as such, he couldn’t make out a lot of clutter or otherwise on the ground, and Cassio didn’t seem to be too terribly bothered by walking around with him, but a sewer was a sewer was a sewer, and the smell was always going to be there.
”Do we know what is making the blockage,” Tadashi questioned, wondering if Senon had received any more in depth information of what it was they might be on the lookout for.




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-Out Of Ball: Cassio (Jolteon), Ostinato (Oshawott), and Nanghi (Copperajah)
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2020 3:16:05 GMT
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At the center of the maze-like gathering of sewer paths, entrances and exits they eventually arrived.

All points seemed to converge here and here they saw it.


From the center point of the sewer chamber, likely under the center of Lilycove itself; an entranced Sableye floating above the poison types, its eyes flashing like strobe lights, partially covered in goo and crud itself.

Poison types of all kinds walked and floated and even danced in formations of circles around the Dark-type. Some of them seemed enraptured in bliss and some overcome with fatigue and agony. Koffing, Weezing, Oddish, Qwilfish, Dustox, Venonat, Zubat to Crobat, Scolipede and Seviper, and a lot of Trubbish and Garbodor.

Senon even saw a tired and frowning Croagunk in the mix.

He spoke lowly holding his arm out so that Tadashi wouldn't pass him up and trigger the pokémon, staying hidden behind an entry wall. "It looks like the poison types here are all under some kind of spell or hypnotism." Once again taking in their faces it wasn't hard to tell some were being forced more than others. "Some of them are into it and some of them aren't." He would have liked to have come up with a plan before attacking but one thing was the most clear; stopping the Sableye meant "Mission Complete".

One of them would have to distract the small army of poison types and the other would have to take down the ghost-type making the other pkmn drink the kool-aid. "Well Ootori, do you want to lead the poison parade? Or, be the ghost buster?" Neither job would be easy, but in Sénon's eyes, only one would be any fun.

● tags: @tadashiootori
● notes: hover sableye for moveset

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2020 1:02:34 GMT
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Following along to keep pace with Senon as they moved through the sewer system, Tadashi was shocked to see an entire swarming mass of Pokemon in the center of a large crossing of sewer caverns that they had come up on. There were so many figures and shapes, more than he could have possibly imagined being down in the sewers, but it was no question that this was definitely the problem… Senon held an arm out, keeping Tadashi and his Pokemon out of the line of sight for now, but there was little that Tadashi could have been prepared for in how Senon explained the situation. Spell? Hypnotism? What on earth could do something like that? He heard that there were Pokemon that were capable of other things, but what was it, and why was it doing that…? He heard Cassio growl, and Nanghi was uneasy behind him… He wasn’t sure what he could do here.
”Uhm, right, okay… Hypnotism,” Tadashi nodded along, trying to at least go along with what it was that was happening. There were only so many figures that he could see, hopefully Nanghi and Cassio and Ostinato would have a better idea as to what needed to happen here… And then Senon posed a question, splitting up the tasks at hand.
”Well… We’re not very good with ghosts… It’s a little difficult to handle what I can’t see,” Tadashi explained, but that wasn’t going to stop him from taking the other end of things. He leaned down and unhooked the leash from Cassio’s harness, and started to walk himself up Nanghi’s trunk to get onto her back for safety and to keep out of the way.
”So we’ll stick to the other Pokemon. We’ll clear them out as quick as we can,” Tadashi replied, patting against Nanghi’s smooth skin with an open hand, and the Copperajah trumpeted as she rushed forward with Cassio, stamping with her large feet and starting to sweep with her trunk, beginning to corral and herd the various poison type pokemon away from the Sableye.




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[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

-Out Of Ball: Cassio (Jolteon), Ostinato (Oshawott), and Nanghi (Copperajah)
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2020 2:10:30 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The 'kid' was nuts, our just green. Chalk it up to youth; they say adults and teens didn't think with the same parts of their brains. The prefrontal cortex didn't fully develop in a human being until about twenty-five or so given he was clearly a few years younger than Sénon it meant his brain wasn't fully matured yet.

Why else would he have barrelled in to make a path to the Sableye rather than used himself as bait to get them to chase him. In his doubts the Ranger answered his own questions. Maybe acting as a distraction wouldn't get them to chase after him. Maybe running off into the abyss of sewer isles was a sure fire way to get lost. Maybe his redheaded senior wasn't the badass he thought he was and couldn't handle the renegade Ghost/Dark Pokemon on his own.

It seemed foolish, and short-sided but Tadashi probably had the right idea and his bravery wasn't to be dismissed, it was to be supported. In that, Sénon and his six were on the clock.

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes: hover sableye for moveset

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2020 16:37:00 GMT
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Anchoring himself on Nanghi’s back, Tadashi held on as the elephant stomped through the sewer and out towards the entourage of poison type Pokemon that were crowding and swarming. Being a steel type, Tadashi at least knew that she was well equipped to handle the poison type Pokemon as she began to sweep through them with her broad trunk, pushing them along and snapping them out of whatever hold the hypnotism might have. Ostinato atop her back with Tadashi was dowsing Pokemon with water, spraying powerful jets to get them to snap out of their trance, while Cassio was using his speed to rush through, lightly zapping the Pokemon that he passed to likewise get them out of the trance. Tadashi heard Senon begin to act with his Pokemon, getting ready to target the ghost type that was responsible for all of this mess.
”Keep it up Nanghi, clear a path for them,” Tadashi called as he patted Nanghi’s smooth skin again, and the Copperajah trumeted with force, starting to push along more and more of the poison type Pokemon. Ostinato and Cassio kept up their work, dowsing and zapping Pokemon to break the hold the ghost had on them and regain their focus, but as Cassio rushed by a flailing Seviper, it’s tail slashed and caught Cassio’s side, and he yelped with a slight snarl at feeling the nauseous beginnings of poison take over him. The mission wasn’t complete yet, and for as long as he could keep going, Cassio was going to keep working on zapping and moving Pokemon, starting to force the stragglers down the corridors to begin clearing out space.




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[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

-Out Of Ball: Cassio (Jolteon), Ostinato (Oshawott), and Nanghi (Copperajah)
-Cassio became poisoned!
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
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with Cait Alfric
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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2020 23:51:58 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Without holding back from around the corner the entire suite of his team fell into the fight, looking to end things quickly and strike amidst the chaos.

Salamence () was given direction first, lest he go wild without parameters. "Salamence! Protect that kid!"

His healer Chansey ( ) was waved towards him, patting her head she was inclined to stick close to her trainer.
Jakka and Dose ( ) ever the front line fighters took the vanguard; he could see the flame on Jakka's tail and Dose's whole body in his froggy crouch. Gan hidden in his shirt would be given orders as well.
Leaving Kiri () to defend from what he couldn't see.

"Hey Gizmo!" His voice called out to and his mind thinking of, the Sableye, caught its attention. Its eyes still 'strobing' he lowered his bandana to cover his eyes. "You're done here."

Thing were about to get crazy, he'd done anything this complex in years, his team needed precise orders or everything would fall apart. "Focus up!" He yelled and all his pokémon looked to him with vigor.

"Gan, TRANSFORM into Sableye!" He pointed at the jeweled-eyed pkmn.

Crouching down to his fire and poison pkmn they were made to understand the Sableye was their only target. "Dose; TOXIC. Jakka followup with INFERNO!"

"Kiri; SMACKDOWN the fliers and HYDRO PUMP anything that gets too close!"

The pokémon looked at each other understanding their orders but a little hesitant from the unfamiliar circumstance of all being in the field at once. Yet, when he called out the next time, "GO!" they acted.

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes: hover sableye for moveset

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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2020 21:57:26 GMT
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Despite the chaos that it had initially caused, the poison types were dispersing and rushing through the various corridors of the sewers, especially now that the ghost in question was occupied now by Senon and his Pokemon. Ostinato was spraying water and redirecting with Cassio who was still zapping away despite struggling with the slash that he had taken from the Seviper. Any of the bigger, more aggressive types had Nanghi to deal with as she swung with her broad trunk and stomped with her heavy feet, making it clear that moving on and keeping out of her way was going to be their best option. Things were clearing up, but the sounds of battle were still quite prominent, it seemed that that ghost type just wasn't letting up against Senon and his Pokemon, but Tadashi couldn't see anything...
"What is it?? Where is it attacking," Tadashi questioned to Ostinato, that was the trouble with pesky things like ghosts... All he knew was that they weren't exactly the most tangible things, so there was no figure for sound to bounce off of... Nanghi though harrumphed with a heavy breath, ears flapping and tail whipping, she wasn't done taking care of things around here. She turned and found the Sableye that she could see, the ghost had just slashed at the Charmander that Senon had with him. Nanghi trumpeted loudly, charging forward with a raised trunk, and gave an incredibly heavy swing to strike at the Sableye, ready to take part in the main of the battle.




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[newclass=.nologicpost1 b]font:12px Montserrat;line-height:15px;color:#777777;font-weight:800!important;letter-spacing:-.5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.nologictag div a]color:#ffffff!important;font:bold 12px Montserrat;line-height:10px;[/newclass]

-Out Of Ball: Cassio (Jolteon), Ostinato (Oshawott), and Nanghi (Copperajah)
-Cassio is poisoned!
-Nanghi used Play Rough!

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2020 22:16:01 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

While Kiri defended him and Salamence went wild defending Ootori with FLAMETHROWERS and HEADBUTTS, Gan worked on his TRANSFORMATION while Chansey stuck close to heal whoever needed it.

Flooding in the fight face first Dose and Jakka would obey their given orders hitting their purple target with thickened frog mucus and a towering pillar of flame. From inside it the Sableye seemed to attempt to communicate with the attacking pokémon with a eerie scream cause the both of them to cover their ears. Its eyes flashed a dirty purple then neon orange and ceased to strobe. It body dripping with croagunk gunk and hairs singed, flesh marred with burns. It didn't stop, nor bother.

Jakka used INFERNO; Sableye was badly burned!
Dose used TOXIC; Sableye was badly poisoned!
Sableye used DISABLE; TOXIC and INFERNO are disabled!


● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes:

hover sableye for moveset

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:07:13 GMT
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Hitting it from opposite sides the charmander jumped on its back to bite down its shoulder leaving Dose free to pummel its torse with iron fists. In the midst of their landed attacks it rotated its body with a powerful twist, throwing the charmander into the croagunk knocking them both prone. Once more its eyes flashed; orange and a slate grey.

Jakka used FIRE FANG!
Sableye suffered poison & burn damage!
Sableye used DISABLE; FIRE FANG & BULLET PUNCH disabled!

From the angle of the flood lights high on the walls Sénon could gather the Sableye was approaching him in particular from its nearing shadow.

Back on their feet the burner and the fighter moved on their own to employ attacks while Sénon gathered his thoughts for his next tactic. Coming at the ghost-type with focused claws charmander left a SLASH across its back and once clear croagunk filled his sack with a lime green bile that seemed to melt into the Sableye like acid, yet, it persisted in its paced, deliberate approach of their trainer.

With the untraceable spawn of a shadowed claw it returned charmander's slashing attack with a slash of its own that cut into the lizards blocking arm and young belly, it bled, bending the knee in pain.

Jakka used SLASH; its attack had no effect.
Dose used VENOSHOCK; its super effective!
Sableye suffered poison & burn damage!
Sableye used SHADOW CLAW; critical hit!

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes:

hover sableye for moveset

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:31:50 GMT
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Not just powerful but with an aptitude for battling the Sableye was proving to be all the trouble it looked like it would be. "DOSE; SWAGGER!" Landing before the Dark/Ghost the Toxic Mouth PKMN moved through fighting formations gesturing the Sableye to come at it for a fight. With a flash of its eyes and a blast from its hands however Dose changed targets going after charmander instead, a victim of confusion.

Jakka flinched!
Dose used SWAGGER; it had no effect.
Sableye suffered poison & burn damage!
Sableye used CONFUSE RAY!
Dose attacked Jakka in its confusion!

With his two vanguard locked in a mutual struggle Sénon looked to Chansey to step in as Ditto!Sableye had already begun to help defend and crowd control the random poison types. Only then did he remember that Chansey had no attacks that would work on Sableye; normal type attacks being useless on ghost-typs. "AHHHHHHHH" he yelled in frustration, seemingly out of options that would end this quickly.

Then, he remembered something.

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes:

hover sableye for moveset

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:32:00 GMT
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"GAN! Forget the poison-types! Get in here!" Quick to Sénon's call the Ditto stepped forward in Sableye form as the trainer looked through his backpack before finding it turning to face Chansey.


A haunting of a mirror match about to unfold at his back.

It was just as well; he needed a moment to buy time and not just Ditto but also Ootori's stampeding pokémon. It seemed like he would have that moment to do what he needed to but then Ditto!Sableye was trampled by the 'trunked' pokémon joining the fray.

The original sableye took advantage of the new opponent as its eyes flashed neon pink stripping away the fairy-type move from the massive attacker after it had hit the imposter Sableye.

Copperajah used PLAY ROUGH; its super effective!
Sableye used DISABLE; PLAY ROUGH was disabled!
Sableye suffered poison & burn damage!

Gan struggled to stand again under the Copperajah's stature. His trainer pointed to Chansey standing determined and ready to fight. "Gan" Senon gave the order to his battered Ditto!Sableye "Revert and TRANSFORM"

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes:

hover sableye for moveset

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
strobicious (M; TT)
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2020 1:32:15 GMT
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An old pro Gan was able to cast off his Sableye guise and shift into Chansey's likeness in just seconds. With most of the poison types now fleeing the sewers or fighting each other in the chaos there was only one prominent and particular enemy left.

Still being ravaged by the burn and poison damage the Sableye was on its last legs and thus probably making its last stand.

● tags: @ tadashiootori
● notes:

hover sableye for moveset

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